Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cute as a Christmas Elf.

So, I'm headed to Chicago tomorrow night for the holidays! I can hardly believe Christmas is this Thursday. I wasn't able to get any shopping done, but maybe next year.

This weekend was really busy. Friday night Mommy and I went to Uncle Chris and Aunt Maggie's to exchange gifts with Timmy. That was fun! I won't see Timmy until he gets to Chicago on New Years Day for the wedding. Good times! Saturday night Daddy's friend from school Carlos and his wife Dora had us over for a fantastic dinner. I, of course, was stuck eating rice cereal and pears, but I didn't care. I got to meet their son, Santiago, and he's a cutie pie! I was pretty tired so slept the night away. Today was busy too. Had to go get my pictures taken AGAIN at the mall. I like going there because there is sooooo much to look at. Lots of people to watch. We got home and spent the rest of the day packing and finishing up everything before we leave tomorrow night. Oh yeah, and I tried sweet potatoes for the first time - boy were they yummy! I almost ate the whole jar.

Okay, it's late and I need to get my beauty sleep! I will write more from Chicago... hope everyone had a great weekend.

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