Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today's the DAY!

So... today is it! The big day we've been waiting for... seems like just yesterday Mommy told me it was only 30 days until the election, and now it's here! Luckily, we went to vote on Saturday. Mommy was paranoid that she wouldn't have time today, and even though we weren't thrilled to wait in line for such a long time (over three hours!!) we were glad to get it over with. My friend Ella went to vote this morning with her mommy and she said it was cold.

Daddy told me that we are going over to his friend David's house tonight for an election party. We'll see - last night I could barely stay up until 7 p.m., how does he expect to last until the polls close? Cousin Timmy is having an election party at his house too. Mommy said they are making pizzas and that sounds like fun! Have fun, everyone!

I slept 12 WHOLE hours last night and didn't make a peep! When Mommy came home from work last night I was sleepy. She gave me my nightly bath and then we read a few books, and then I crashed... I was just sooooo tired from the weekend. That usually happens on Monday nights. We'll see about tonight, though... :)

That's it from here... off to watch some CNN and get the latest update from the polls.

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