Monday, November 24, 2008

I love the weekends!

This weekend was a pretty good, besides the fact that I have started teething! Let me tell you... teething really stinks. I get crabby pretty easily and have been tired more than usual. We are all hoping this tooth comes very soon!

Saturday I stayed with Daddy while Mommy and Aunt Maggie ran some errands... Saturday night Alyssa came to stay with me for a bit while Mommy celebrated Aunt Lauren's "last night of freedom" - ha! - and Daddy went a classmate's birthday party in Clarendon.

Sunday I got to go to Costco with Mommy. We were nearly out of formula and that is NOT a good thing! I can't wait until I can eat real food. Mommy was telling me about all the delicious snacks she tried while we were shopping! After that, we went to visit cousin Timmy... we watched some football and had some snacks. Then I went home and crashed!

Great Aunt Susie and Rosemary land tomorrow!! They are coming to visit for a whole week! We will see them on Wednesday night, they are coming to check out our new place and have dinner.

We are going to Lancaster on Thursday morning to visit PopPop, Nana Vovo, Uncle Fed, Aunt Karlla, cousins Gabriele and Erminia, and of course, Scully! Mommy is making stuffing for the first time so wish her good luck...

And Saturday is Timmy's first birthday party! Mommy says it's a "barnyard bash" - I don't know what that means but it will be funnnnnnnnn!!!! Yay!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and happy early Thanksgiving! It's my first!

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